Rules & Forms

In order to maintain the safety of all riders and horses, as well as maintain cleanliness throughout the ranch and grounds, Big Chino Ranch has established the following rules.
- No smoking or fires of any kind.
- No under-age drinking, intoxication, or illegal drug use.
- Drive slowly and on designated roadways only. parking in designated areas only.
- All riders and guests must sign a liability release form before handling or riding any horse.
- Persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and are not allowed to handle and/or ride any horse on the premises unless an adult, who is responsible and supervises, comes with them onto the premises and accompanies them at all times. USPC approved helmets, with chin harness in place, must be worn at all times while mounted.
- No stallions
- No horse is to be left unattended, tied in its stall or to a trailer. Tie only to the hitching rail or cross ties at the wash station.
- Do not feed any horse, but your own, without owner’s permission. Do not allow your horse to ‘sniff noses’ with other horses, as this may lead to injuries.
- Please take reasonable care when turning out your horse. Do not allow your horse to chew on the fence. use only turnout areas.
- Each person is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their horse promptly. dump manure in designated areas only.
- Please do not visit “the home” or other structures on the property. All horse related issues will be dealt with at the barn, office or on the phone during business hours.
- Each person will respect the ranch hours of operation. Monday through Saturday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Quiet time 10:00 PM to 6:00 am for any overnight guests
- Please close all doors, stall doors, and gates. please turn off lights when leaving.
- All horses must be washed in designated washing areas only. water hoses should be recoiled and faucets turned off tightly when you are finished with them.
- In an emergency, a vet will be called at your expense, if you cannot be reached or if you fail to take appropriate measures.
- Any unnecessary reprimanding of any kind to a horse such as abusive spurring, gross neglect, harmful training methods, or injury by drug intake will not be tolerated by this establishment.
- Arena and trail courtesy should be recognized at all times. Please be courteous to our neighbors when riding on trails.
- Help your fellow riders. always try to work together. infighting, gossiping and general poor behavior towards people or horses will not be tolerated.
- Be respectful of other people’s property.
- Please do not bring your dog. if you must bring your dog, you must keep him/her under control and on a leash or in your car at all times. we would like to remind you that we do get many wild animals on and surrounding the ranch. Big Chino Ranch is not responsible for any visiting pets’ injuries due to any situations on the ranch. visiting and or guest pets are self and pet owner liable; liable for themselves and any damage caused by them.
- Any concerns and requests must be addressed in writing with the date and your name and placed in the office or email to
- Each person will implement any instruction or suggestion for safety made by our staff.
- You agree to take all personal property with you when you go. Any property left behind, including livestock, will be considered abandoned and will become the property of Big Chino Ranch, LLC after seven days. If claimed during that time, you agree to compensate Big Chino Ranch for any costs
associated with the care or maintenance of that property or animal.
Your cooperation in recognizing the importance of these rules, as well as adhering to them is greatly appreciated. this is your notice of these rules. the above rules are subject to change at the management’s discretion.
Download and Sign Rules (Download below)
Download and Sign Release of Liability Form (Download below)